Link is a Person in a Poodle Suit who speaks using FluentPet Connect, and is a Service Dog In Training (SDiT) for his disabled human mom named Tina.

 Falling in love with animals can change the lives of the people who love them, and they bring happiness, companionship, and unconditional love into our lives. Even when they show us love and emotion using their body language, many animal guardians are often left to wonder at times what could be on the minds of their animal companions. Some animals may be better at non-verbal communication than others, but they all do the best they can despite their lack of ability to speak the same language as the people around them.

Talking Paw Tails is the journey of Link the Standard Poodle and his disabled mom named Tina, who set out to learn to communicate via Augmentative Interspecies Communication using the FluentPet Connect System.