FluentPet Connect Speaker, Buttons, and Hextiles - https://fluent.pet

What is Augmentative Interspecies Communication

Augmentative Interspecies Communication is simply augmenting (adding on) to already existing means of communication between species, in order to create better communication and better understanding between species. This is done by using Augumentative Interspecies Communications Devices such as Recordable Buttons and Soundboards, in addition to reading body language.  Despite some misconceptions on the topic, it's not done as a means of replacing the analasys of body language. On it's own body language doesn't always give the full context to messages, and words alone also don't always help to fully convey messages. Body language analaysys in addition to Augmentative Interspecies Communication helps to increase the understanding of body lauguage and words together.

When it comes to normal communication between dogs and humans or cats and humans for instance, body language alone has been used for centuries since dogs, cats, and other animals dont have vocal cords similar to humans, so they're unable to ever speak human languages. Buttons as well as sounboards for Augumentative Interspecies Communication is a more recent invention using newer technology. Since dogs, cats, and other animals do learn learn words of their humans native language througout their lives but are unable to synthesize human languages with their vocal cords, Augmentative Interspecies Communications Devices allow communication using both body language and communications devices together as a more understandable form of interspecies communication.

What is FluentPet?

FluentPet is a system using recordable buttons and HexTiles.

More Info will be added soon.

Informative Links (Coming Soon)






HowTheyCanTalk.org is a very informative site and forum for Humans and their button learners. They have discussions for tips, help, and chat, as well as diswcussions for board building, and much more
